Glamping With The Penguins in Bird Paradise

Mandai Wildlife Groups’ Bird Paradise is offering a new and exciting glamping experience. Glamping With The Penguins is the perfect place for animal lovers, of all ages, to cosy up in stylish bell tens with a view of the Southern Lights at Ocean Network Express Penguin Cove. Campers will also be treated to curated packages and activities such as seeing different bird shows during the day.
Ocean Network Express Penguin Cove features one of the world’s largest sub-Antarctic, cold salt-water habitats for penguins. Dive with the best-loved flightless birds for an immersive experience amidst an underwater kelp forest and emerge onto the rocky beach to feast your eyes on waddling penguins.
Meet The Penguins
Watch the world’s second largest penguins make impressive dives and the fastest underwater birds `fly’ effortlessly through water.
Besides the king and gentoo penguins, Ocean Network Express Penguin Cove is also home to the northern rockhopper penguins, known for their ability to hop, and feisty behaviour.

A Cool Comfy Home
In the area where the penguins are housed, the water and air temperature are maintained at a low of 8°C.
Penguin Cove also features special lighting that mimics the changes in day length in the different seasons — all to simulate the natural habitat of the penguins.
Mechanical feeders underwater spit out fish intermittently so that the penguins can go hunting as they would in the wild.

Having A Ball
Providing enrichment activities for our birds is an integral part of avian care. Such activities are specially designed to encourage the birds to explore their environment while having a good workout.
Playing with balls and popping bubbles are some of the many enrichment activities our keepers curated for the penguins to keep them physically fit and mentally alert.

A Magical Experience
The landscape of the beach in Penguin Cove mimics that of Macquarie Island. Located midway between New Zealand and Antarctica, the island supports diverse bird species including the King, Gentoo and Rockhopper Penguins.
Here in Penguin Cove, on the rocky beach under the domed sky, the projection of Aurora Australis (the southern lights) completes the magical sub-Antarctic experience.

A Bad Feather Day?
Most birds replace their worn feathers gradually. Penguins replace theirs all at once within 3 to 4 weeks — a process called `catastrophic moulting’ during which they fast and stay out of water completely.
As they lose their old feathers and grow new ones, they look scruffy and dishevelled. If you see our penguins in this state, don’t be alarmed — they are about to don a brand-new coat!

Sustainable Design
Ocean Network Express Penguin Cove attained BCA Green Mark (Platinum) certification, thanks to its design which is rooted in sustainable best practices.
The building has a special system for collecting rainwater to water the plants in Bird Paradise, and solar panels keep our LED lights powered on.
Click here for full itinerary of Glamping with the Penguins.