Deepavali Inspired Chocolate Workshop

Deepavali inspired chocolate workshop, to take your celebration up a notch. If you are hosting a Deepavali party this year, or are looking to make your own sweet gifts for friends, this workshop will teach you how to make chocolates with a few favourite ingredients, such as coconut, mango, cardamom and chocolate! You will learn how to make the following chocolates:
– Coconut Truffles
– Mango Cardamom Truffles, and
– Peanut Caramel Clusters with Sea Salt
Course Content:
– Chocolate Ganache: You will learn how to make a coconut and a mango cardamom ganache, how to pipe the ganache into truffle shells, to make chocolate truffles
– Finishing Truffles: You will finish your truffles with tempered chocolate, coconut flakes and chopped pistachios.
– Chocolate Tempering: You will learn how to temper chocolate
– Peanut Clusters: You will work with tempered milk chocolate, to make peanut clusters with caramel bits and sea salt
Participants will work in pairs to make the 2 different recipes of chocolate ganache. Each participant will take home approximately 15 Coconut Truffles, 15 Mango Cardamom Truffles, and 200g of Peanut Caramel Clusters with Sea Salt.
Date: 20th October 2023 (Fri)
Time: 10am
Venue: ANJALICHOCOLAT, 163 Tanglin Rd #02-153, S247933
Tickets: SGD175